Category Archives for BeefFRONT

When Less is More: Lessons from the Livestock Genomics Industry

One of the problems with our industry is that we let ourselves get fooled by the various products. We buy into the illusion that the more products a company has, the more problems they are capable of fixing.

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Selection Indexes: If you are not in this business to make money, then good luck with your hobby.

“If you are not in this business to make money, then good luck with your hobby” This was the phrase I heard as I set foot into the 3-10 Room of the Ag Building at the University of Alberta- Canada.

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3 Reglas de Oro para un Programa de Mejoramiento Genético Libre de Estrés

El uso de pruebas agrogenómicas (pruebas de ADN) se ha convertido en algo común y cada vez más organizaciones están considerando incorporar estos servicios y productos dentro de sus programas de mejoramiento

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3 Golden Rules for a Stress-Free Genetic Improvement Program

Ever since the use of agrigenomics-based tests (a.k.a DNA tests) went mainstream, more and more organizations are looking at the idea of incorporating these services and products into their genetic improvement

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How to Develop AgriGenomics Products And Get The Best Prices

For over 10 years now, we have heard of countless agrigenomics products hitting the market: Angus 384 (retired), Clarifide, GeneMax, Igenity Silver or Gold etc.. We have also heard of the i50k, GGP-LD,

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Genome Editing: What’s the Big Deal?

At the same Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) meeting this year, I had a chance to watch a few presentations on the status of the use of genome editing (or gene editing) technologies in our industry. Dr.

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The Future of the Breed Associations

I just got back from attending the Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) meeting held in Athens, Georgia. The last one I had been to, was in Nebraska, so I was ready to play catch up.There were great discussions

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